This PRESS program to prevent housing loss and to secure housing for local youth and families who are at risk has been serving Powell River since 2014. To date, this program has helped more than 600 local individuals and families to retain or secure housing, as well as to access employment and income supports that ensure housing stability in the long term. 40% of the individuals served through this program have a PWD (Person with Disability) designation and are living with minimal or with no special support in our community. 70% of those who access our services are families with children. 35% of those we serve are dependent children in low-income households.
Access our Services
Housing Hope supports youth (under 19) and families with children who are homeless or at risk of homelessness in the Powell River area. If you are homeless, couch-surfing, living in unsafe circumstances, sleeping rough, facing eviction or struggling to pay rent or utilities, we can help. Our services are confidential and based on individual needs. Available supports include: housing search, first month’s rent and damage deposit, rent and utility arrears repayment, basic and urgent needs supports and community services connections. PLEASE NOTE: We are NOT an emergency or 24-hour response service. To set up an appointment, contact us:
- FACEBOOK: Housing Hope
- EMAIL: housinghopepowellriver@gmail.com
- CALL/TEXT 604-223-2853
Housing Hope is made possible through contributions from the Rural and Remote Communities fund of Reaching Home, Canada’s Homelessness Strategy, administered in BC by the Prince George Nechako Aboriginal Education and Training Association.